Presented at the 75th General Session and Exhibition of the International
Association for Dental Research, March 19 - 23, 1997, Orlando,
An evaluation of DEBACTEROL® vs. Kenalog-in Orabase® for
the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. N.L. RHODUS, J.
BEREUTER (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN)
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a very common condition.
Current treatment for RAS includes anti-inflammatory agents which
palliate the symptoms. The purpose of this clinical trial was to
compare a common medication used for RAS treatment, Kenalog-in-Orabase
(KO) vs. a newer agent, Debacterol (D) in a subject population of
20 individuals (n=10; 7-F; 3-M; x age 37.3 yrs. in each arm). After
the diagnosis of RAS, clinical examinations were performed as well
as a subjective evaluation of symptoms for each subject. The subjects
did not use any other medications. Both agents were applied topically
(the frequency varied depending with the arm of subjects) in specified
intervals. Ulcer size and erythema measurements as well as subjective
(100mm VAS) evaluations of pain were made at Day 0, 3, 6, and 10.
The result indicated that 100% of the ulcers clinically healed and
caused no pain in both groups by Day 10. A significant decrease
in the VAS in the D group at 3 days indicated a significant improvement
in pain compared to the KO group. After day 6, 70% of the ulcers
had clinically disappeared with no symptoms in the D group as compared
to 30% in the KO group. In some individuals in the K group, there
was a significant decrease in the clinical measures over the D group,
but the VAS revealed no significant change. These results indicate
relief of symptoms accompanying RAS may or may not correspond to
clinical improvement, and these two topical agents may affect signs
and symptoms of RAS differently.
Journal of Dental Research, 1997 Volume 76(Special Issue):449.
Abstract #3487